Hi! I'm Sarah Tyk. I have always been passionate about fitness, nutrition, and spirituality. I believe that when our whole selves are nourished-mind, body, and soul-we live at our highest energy vibration, leading to a joyful, radiant life. I strive to maintain a holistic approach to life, balancing physical fitness, spiritual fitness, and the stresses of everyday life.

I began The Nourished Soul to collect and share the information I was gathering as I healed myself. Two years after having my first (and only) child, my blood pressure and cholesterol were off-the-charts high.

I was astonished by how high my cholesterol and triglycerides were. I knew I didn't have a perfectly clean diet, but I figured it was decent enough. I didn't want to go on statin medications without first changing my diet and exercise habits.

I hope you'll join me and together we can nourish our minds, bodies, and souls.

About Me

My Mission

I'm on a mission to change the way I live. I have always loved fitness and using nutrition to heal and live a vibrant life. I want to live holistically and integrate fitness, nutrition, prayer, and energy healing to live at the highest vibration possible.

I'm on a mission to share to my knowledge and experience to help others live a holistically, radiantly healthy life.

My Vision

I want to empower others to take charge of their health and their lives by combining fitness, nutrition, prayer & meditation, and energy healing.

I envision a world where people live as integrated souls, using food to nourish their bodies and prayer & meditation to nourish their souls.

The Nourished Soul Pillars

Meditation & Prayer
Energy Healing

I believe there are four main components to a holistically healthy, vibrant life: fitness, nutrition, meditation & prayer, and energy.

Learn more by clicking on the section below and beginning your journey to a holistically radiant you!

A strong body is the start to a healthy body. It's not about super-intense, iron-pumping, insane workouts. A simple walk around the block can do wonders!

Begin your fitness journey here.

Let medicine be thy food, and let food be thy medicine.

You can't out-exercise a poor diet. Nutrition is crucial to a healthy mind and body.

Think meditation means sitting absolutely still and clearing your mind of all chatter? Think again!

Meditation is a way to connect to your higher self and just slow down. Stirring coffee can be meditative.

Feeling connected to a higher power through prayer has significant healthy benefits for our bodies and souls.

At the quantum level, everything is energy. Everything vibrates at a specific frequency. Many cultures utilize the energies of the body to heal ailments.

Frequencies of light (i.e. colors) and sound greatly impact our moods. Some colors soothe, others excite. Some types of music energize, others relax.

Learn more about energy here.